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Sherrie Totoki

External Affairs, Elemental Excelerator

About this speaker

Sherrie Totoki supports external affairs and policy at Elemental Excelerator, a nonprofit investor in global climate technologies with a portfolio of 160+ companies. Sherrie has experience directing operations within Elemental, as well as in her previous role at GreenBiz, a media and events company dedicated to accelerating the transition to clean energy, where she focused on increasing funder and founder diversity. She also has experience consulting with startups and accelerators across the climate technology landscape.  

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Sources of Capital Part Two: Deep Dives via Roundtable Discussions

May 18, 2024, 02:00 AM

Piinaio Ballroom

Austin Anderson Louie Rios III David Holt Lama Chang Paulette Jencks Noah Williams Susan Utsugi Keoni Lee Sherrie Totoki Brittany Heyd